5 Signs You Have A Rat Infestation In Your Garden

6 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you enjoy gardening and raising plants in your yard, rats can become a nightmare if you let them. A rat infestation can ruin all your hard work in a matter of days. But rats aren't just a risk to your plants and veggies. If given half a chance, rats will invade your home too. And if that happens, they could contaminate your home and your food. Are you worried that rats are running rampant in your garden? Read More …

Tips On How to Pest-Proof Your Home

9 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Pests can be a nuisance in your home. Some insects such as termites can feed on wooden pillars in your home, weakening the house structure. Others such as mice can chew on clothes and books, causing extensive property destruction. Rats and roaches also pose a health hazard because they might contaminate your food. Therefore, you must do your best to rid your house of pests. Before you call pest control experts, you should try DIY tips to control the pests. Read More …